
RF Online Tips

How to Avoid ‘Gimping’ Your Character

A “gimped” character is a character that is weaker than he should be at his current level. In a PvP / RvR game, this puts the gimped character at a severe disadvantage.

In RFO, it is very important to avoid gimping your character, because once it’s gimped, it’s gimped for good. For example, if your “Range” ability PT is level 1, and your character’s level is at 35, you will not be able to go back and raise that Range PT. Here’s an explanation why.

To get “PT” or points from a monster hit and kill, you need to inflict considerable amount of damage to the monster. This damage must not be too high or too low, but in between. The best PT is gained off monsters 3-5 levels higher than your own.

Now, if your Range PT is level 1, then this allows you to equip a low-level bow or firearm. The tricky part is that since it is such a low level gun, it is too weak to do ANY damage to the monsters around your level (in this case, level 35), and because you can’t do any damage to them, you will not gain any PT.

Sure, you can go ahead and target low level mobs with a low level gun, but any monster that’s a few levels (or more) lower than your character’s level will NOT give you any PT, no matter how much damage you do to them. So because of these mechanics, it will be impossible to ever raise your Range PT. This is why it is very important to level your PT as you progress through the game.

How to tell how much PT you are gaining...

When you attack a monster, pay attention to the chat window. The chat window will display how much PT you get as you make each strike. You may get 3 PT, 6 PT, 12 PT, 16 PT, 20 PT, 24 PT, etc…or you may get none at all.

Each case is unique. Each time your character levels, the case changes. Different mobs now give you different PT. PT gained is not dependent on how much damage you do, as long as you do enough damage. Doing slightly more than “enough” damage will not give you more PT. Getting hit harder by taking off your armor will not give you more Defense PT. Therefore, PT gained is independent of damage, as long as you are doing enough damage to gain PT in the first place.

Class Redefining...

So you chose the wrong class and want to go back? It is understandable, so instead of having you create another character from scratch, RFO allows you to “redefine” your class.

Redefining class costs:

1st time: 1,000 gold
2nd time: 10,000 gold
3rd time: 100,000 gold
4th time: 1,000,000 gold
5th time: 1,000,000 gold

It will not affect your PTs, they will all stay the same; however, it may affect your HP/FP/SP. Once you redefine, you will lose the class specific skills and abilities of your previous class. You will be returned to your base class (warrior, ranger, spiritualist, or specialist) even if you redefined from a tier 3 (lv40) classes (such as Grazier or Armor Rider).

You will also not “gain” any bonus PT when you select a new class, or any items as rewards. You will still gain the class-specific skills of your new class, but only if you are eligible to receive them (i.e. if your new class is still within your base class tree).

If you are ready to redefine class, find and talk to the “Hero” NPC in your HQ.

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